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Hello and welcome creative beings!

Hello and welcome to my first blog post. Not only am I a freelance creative for hire, I also recently became part of the School of Visual Arts Community, as an adjunct professor. I teach Integrated Advertising to a group of advertising and design hopefuls. Here is where you’ll find my loose creative thoughts and nuggets of inspiration that may prove useful to you in life, from one creative to another. And I truly believe everyone is creative. They just have to tap into that side of the brain.

I’ve been honing my skills as an artist for the last twenty years in advertising, but really ever since I was old enough to draw. In this blog I’ll share my secret sauce for creativity and craft in hopes that you’ll be enlightened by them, and be able to share it with others. Art should never be kept to oneself.

Be a miner. Do a daily dig for creative gems.

Start by being a miner. Look around you for visual, literary and creative gems. These are words or images you find cool and clever. It should speak to you–something that evokes emotion. The more you dig, the better you get as a creative. Save, pin, and archive your daily digs. Refer to them as a resource. Be inspired by them. This will be your visual and literary library. Someday they may evolve and grow to become your ad gems. This is where you’ll get your ideas.

Where will you find these gems? Everywhere. The world is your playground–in street corners, everyday objects, even people. Look and ask yourself, why am I drawn to this? What is it about this that inspires me? Where is the beauty? Also visit and spend time in local museums and libraries. Experience and consume art as much as you can. And in these places, talk to people. Ask questions. Share your thoughts. You’ll be surprised by what you’ll learn. Take it all in. Basically, be a miner, but also be a sponge. Be a mining sponge.

Here are some of my favorite links and resources. Follow my blog and contact me if you’re interested in collaborating.




In my next post, I’ll provide a visual exercise you can do to tone up your creative muscle.